Thursday, May 7, 2009

Who won the pool tourny?

I left before the pool tournament was over, so I didn't see who won. I was glad to see the big turnout at the Parlor for our social outing. We had a nice setup in the back with 4 pool tables, beer, and non stop food! The only thing I regret is that I didn't know there was going to be all that food, so I grabbed a burger with my teammates beforehand. Dangit! I was disappointed that I didn't have enough stomach space to try everything that came out. =( But I still tried =)

I wasn't able to get a picture of every dish that was served, but that first pic of the appetizer tray pretty much says it all. Aw, I just remembered that I shoulda taken a pic of my beer. Beer's food right? Guinness is like a meal! Anyways, that app plate had chicken wings (one of my favorite foods!), jalapenos wrapped in bacon (bacon makes everything better), shrimp skewers, ribs, stuffed mushrooms, waffle fries.....awwwlallalaala....*drool* Man, my mouth is watering just typing this stuff out. lol. The pics also show a couple of pizzas we had. I believe the top one is the Margherita with the basil, tomatoe, and mozzarella and the bottom one was a traditional pineapple and canadian bacon (or just bacon), which was excellent. There was other foods like these cream cheese filled fried things, artichoke dip with pita bread, coconut fried prawns, calamari, and some quesadillas too. Great fun was had by all! Sorry if you missed the get together, we'll have to do it again sometime =)

1 comment:

  1. I too had food before hand...big mistake. This was an excellent event. Good venue, good times, good food, good beer. I give the TMMBA folks big props for this event. Normally I'm not 100% into spending time missing critical sleep (Well since this program started), but this event was definiately worth it. I hope the next one is as much fun as this night out. Good Job TMMBA staff!
