Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Econ Overload

The effect goes through the money market! So many charts and lines shifting, and too many arrows pointing up, down, and sideways! It wasn't that the material was difficult, but that it was a lot of material to bring together in 3 hours of class. Stuff like that takes time to soak in. You gotta let it marinate like a nice piece of ribeye steak. mmmmm......steaaak.....

Dinner menu: Create your own chicken, beef or vegetarian tacos or taco bowls with salsa, lettuce, cheese, sour cream, guacamole, diced tomato, spicy veggie medley & roasted corn; beans, rice, corn muffins. Personally, I'm not a taco fan. It's difficult to find any good Mexican food here in Seattle. Being from Texas, I do miss my Tex-Mex every once in awhile. If you ever go down to Texas like in Dallas, Austin, or Houston, you gotta try this awesome Tex-Mex place called Chuy's. That place is the shiznitz! Taco were pretty good though. The meats were good and all the toppings and goodies made it so everyone could customize to their liking. Guacamole makes everything better =) My favorite part of the meal was those corn muffins. They had something in them like cranberries. They were really good. I had 3 of them!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Last Finance Class

Yes, it was our last Finance class, but we still have the final looming above us. We're almost at the end....of the second quarter. So, we just have to finish up this final, two more classes in Econ, the Econ final, and then we'll have 5 other things to read before starting Q3 at the end of June =P

It's been so long that I forgot what we had for dinner. I'm very thankful for my mobile phone to takes these pics or else I prolly wouldn't be able to write a blog. The homeworks have been taking most of my time, and now with the Finance final.....and I just got Verizon FIOS and they gave me free movie channels ya know........I'm too busy! So actually, you guys (the both of you) should be very thankful that I keep updating this silly blog =)

Okay, dinner menu says: Roasted pork loin, gratin potatoes, broccoli, spinach salad, breads & butter. The pork loins were good. The gravy with the mustard seeds and stuff was a little salty but made the pork tasty. The cheesy-scalloped-au-gratin potatoes were good as well, and the bread is always good. The second pic was the vegetarian choice. It was some type of a cheesy tortellini. I was told that it was good. I was also told that vegetarians get first dibbs on the vegetarian choices, so you meat eaters gotta wait in line.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Your WACC is Off!

Someone told me that my WACC was off. I know it's important, and I got 9.16%. I don't care what you say. It's a good WACC. Maybe my tax was a little low, but I made a guess just like you did. That doesn't make your WACC better than mine! Beta this!

Dinner: Wine & garlic marinated flank steak, beefsteak tomatoes stuffed w/ risotto, baby spinach salad, focaccia bread w/ pan seared onion spread. Our dinner was surprisingly good. The flank steak was very tender unlike the hockey-puck steak we had previously. You can actually cut it with the plastic knife! The spinach salad....excellent! They had all the toppings on the side like eggs, bacon, and even pine nuts! That's all out balla'. Pine nuts rock! The focaccia bread and the spread was delicious. Everything was great all around. This could be one of the best meals we've had in the program. The second pic was the vegetarian choice, which looked really good as well. It looks like veggie raviolis with asparagus and tomatoes (maybe sundried?) and stuff peppers. I didn't have any of these, but I was told they were very good as well.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Done with Global Mgmt

Yup, it was our last Global Mgmt class, and I hope everyone was able to finish their final papers. I actually enjoyed the class and learned some things even though it was very subjective. The only comment that I'd have is that it seemed like alot of work for the 2 credit hours. I'm mean all the group cases, the readings, the surveys, self reflections...there was alot to do. They really want you to earn it! But now, that's all behind us and it's full force on econ and finance.

Breakfast: Assorted cereals, hard-boiled eggs, fruit, yogurt, granola, toast, rice cakes. =\ All the normal stuff was there, but they took out the "carb" station for the cereal cups. I did try the cereal, it was okay. Let's just say that I was hungry until lunch. Where's the hot foods?? Scrambled eggs, bacon, and even pancakes never hurt anybody.......I think.

Lunch: Sausage & shrimp jambalaya, vegetarian entree: red beans & rice, caesar salad (dressing on side), potato salad, BBQ Baked Beans, Corn Maque Choux. I have to say our lunch was very good. It was very tasty. The only comment I'd make is that I coulda used more protein. I don't know if the vegetarians enjoyed the meal, but the non-vegetarians felt kinda like vegetarians for this meal. The potatoe salad, the beans and the corn were all very good. I had 2 plates! Oh, there was a comment by a classmate saying that the food wasn't that spicy. I think it was on purpose. I don't think these Northwestern can handle the kick from N'awlins!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Who won the pool tourny?

I left before the pool tournament was over, so I didn't see who won. I was glad to see the big turnout at the Parlor for our social outing. We had a nice setup in the back with 4 pool tables, beer, and non stop food! The only thing I regret is that I didn't know there was going to be all that food, so I grabbed a burger with my teammates beforehand. Dangit! I was disappointed that I didn't have enough stomach space to try everything that came out. =( But I still tried =)

I wasn't able to get a picture of every dish that was served, but that first pic of the appetizer tray pretty much says it all. Aw, I just remembered that I shoulda taken a pic of my beer. Beer's food right? Guinness is like a meal! Anyways, that app plate had chicken wings (one of my favorite foods!), jalapenos wrapped in bacon (bacon makes everything better), shrimp skewers, ribs, stuffed mushrooms, waffle fries.....awwwlallalaala....*drool* Man, my mouth is watering just typing this stuff out. lol. The pics also show a couple of pizzas we had. I believe the top one is the Margherita with the basil, tomatoe, and mozzarella and the bottom one was a traditional pineapple and canadian bacon (or just bacon), which was excellent. There was other foods like these cream cheese filled fried things, artichoke dip with pita bread, coconut fried prawns, calamari, and some quesadillas too. Great fun was had by all! Sorry if you missed the get together, we'll have to do it again sometime =)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Econ Midterm

I felt that the econ midterm was reasonable. It actually took me less time to do the econ test than the finance homework #1. Anyways, I hope everyone did well on the midterm as we will be getting our grades back soon. I'm really behind on my blog updates so I'll go right into the food!

Dinner menu: Halibut, asparagus, spring salad, side dish, breads & butter. As I've said before, it's always nice to get something different since I like to try new things....ahem, Saturday breakfast ;) Even though the fish was slightly dry, I still like it cuz it was fish. I'll take dry fish over dry chicken any day! The mango-pineapple-avacado salsa was probably my favorite part of this meal, and they didn't even put it on the menu list....unless it was the "side dish"....wait, I think that was for the potatoes. Oh, I also liked the asparagus as it's one of my favorite vegetables. It's good for your digestive system....hahaha! Oh, I almost forgot. I had to take this picture twice because I left out a very important plate the first time.....the cobbler! It was also missing from the menu. Slackers!