Wednesday, January 13, 2010


We were told that the rate of adoption and technology performance improvements many times conform to this S-curve concept. It's a pretty interesting concept and makes a lot of sense to me. Is it me or does it seem like many of the topics are going to be similar this quarter amongst our 3 classes.  I know there have been classes in previous quarter that have common discussions and topics and I'm sure it's planned, but this quarter seems even more so. It could just be my initial impressions, and things may shift/change as our quarter moves forward.

Dinner: Gorgonzola salad; chicken breast stuffed with olives, sundried tomatoes, feta cheese and herbs; pasta; mixed vegetables; fruit; rolls; Vegetarian entrĂ©e -- Eggplant parmesan.  Look at that, the vegetarian menu gets some love on the calendar's menu listings!  I liked the stuffed chicken, and a couple of folks mentioned that it was good as well.  However, personally, I thot there was a little too much sundried tomatoes.  I like sundried tomatoes, but I don't know if it was just too strong of a flavor. I just couldn't finish it. I had 2 chicken breasts, but could not eat all of the stuffing. The cheesy penne pasta went well with the chicken.

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