Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Chicken Dance?

Wow, it's been awhile since I've updated my posts here. I feel really bad for being so lazy about this, but it could be because of this particular day of class. I pretty much made of fool of myself (more than usual) by dancing like a chicken on top of my desk......just cuz Dan Turner asked me to.....and I didn't even get anything out of it. He gave me a dollar after class, but that made me feel even worse so I gave it back. lol. I thought at least he'd remember this sacrifice when he gave out grades, but I don't think he did.......unless I did that horrible bad in his class.

Don't even ask what's on my plate. I have no idea what that is. I thought taking a pic would help me recognize it. It looks like some egg casserole or something. Even the menu doesn't mention it: Breakfast: veggie strata, fruit, yogurt, granola, toast, rice cakes. Apparently, it was the normal Saturday breakfast except for the egg casserole thingy. I prolly liked it cuz I love eggs, and I'm guessing it's egg since i don't see the hardboiled eggs on my plate. haha

For Lunch: Soup bar with Creamy Asparagus Soup, Corn Chowder & Minestone Soup, Deli Meat & Cheese Platter, breads, veggie platter, watermelon. We've had a few of these make your own deli sandwich meals with soup. I'm pretty sure they have different vendors as the food and setup is different between them. I'm not a huge deli sandwich fan, but these typically work out okay as I just put whatever I want in the sandwich. And the soups are usually tasty.

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