Seriously, I was just looking at my blog, and I saw this huge Trojan ad on the side. I mean, I understand that you gotta sell ads, but Trojan? for a blog about foods at an MBA program? It just doesn't seem right. I feel kinda dirty now having this blog site host a Trojan ad. I mean, yeah, use condoms...less abortions and unwanted babies...good stuff....but I haven't said anything about sex on this site. How does this ad come up? Come on, Google! Microsoft wouldn't have done that! The only thing remotely close that I may have said was....meatballs? lol
Dinner Menu: Curry Chicken, Fire roasted vegetables, saffron rice, cucumber salad in citrus vinaigrette, pita bread with hummus. Pita bread and hummus - good, cucumber salad - good, veggies - good, saffron rice - good, curry chicken - mehhhh. The curry chicken wasn't very curry-y. Also, the chicken seemed tender, but it was also very light pinkish as if it should have been cooked like 5 more minutes. I don't know if it was supposed to be like that, but I would have liked it cooked a bit more. I liked the saffron rice....fragrantie goodness soft rice...mmmmm.
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