Thursday, February 19, 2009

Breakfast was.......okay

I guess we got spoiled last time with the hot breakfast with scrambled eggs and potatoes. Well, at least I did =P You'll see there are 2 pictures above, but I didn't eat 2 plates. I wish this blog would let me put the pictures side by side, but it won't or I couldn't figure it out. You can probably guess what happened by looking at the first plate. I don't know what's up with me sometimes, but I just start eating and forget to take the picture. Then, half way, I'm like, DOH! The second plate was another student's which I took since he had the apple dumpling thing that I had.

So what did we have for breakfast....Yeah, that apple dumpling thing was new. It's like one of those apple turnover things you get a 7-eleven for $1.50, but this was better. It would have probably tasted better if I had put it in the microwave, but I didn't think of it til later. The rest was pretty much the same as last time. There was the multiple loafs of bread with the butter, jam, and peanut butter "station". The yogurt station with three different yogurts, granola, and raisins. Hey, I tried the yogurt this time. It was okay. I'm not a yogurt fan or nuthin, but I think it was softer than I usually like...prolly cuz it was set out. Also, the fruit plate, hard broiled eggs, and the muffin basket were there. I believe that was it.

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